Tugas kewarganegaraan

1.Sebutkan isi Pasal 1 ayat 1 UUD 1945.
2.Pemahaman Archipelago di Negara-Negara Barat berbeda dengan pemahaman Archipelago di Indonesia. Jelaskan tentang perbedaan tersebut.
3.Indonesia telah meratifikasi UNCLOS 1982. Jelaskan apa keuntungan dan kerugiannya.
4.Sebutkan apa saja Ajaran Dasar Wawasan Nusantara
5.Jelaskan apa yang ditulis oleh JOHN NAISBIT, dalam bukunya berjudul GLOBAL PARADOX.
6.Perkembangan global saat ini sangat maju pesat, khususnya perkembangan dalam bidang apa?
7.Dalam mewujudkan aspirasi dan perjuangan satu bangsa perlu memperhatikan 4 K. Sebutkan apa 4 K tersebut
8.Wujud Pertahanan dan Keamanan Indonesia tercermin dalam kondisi daya tangkal bangsa yang dilandasi oleh kesadaran bela negara dengan menghadapi yang disebut AGHT. Sebutkan apa kepanjangan dari AGHT.
9.Unsur Dasar Wawasan Nusantara diantaranya Tata Laku. Jelaskan tentang Tata Laku.
10.Jelaskan pendapat dari penulis buku Borderless World, Kenichi Omahe dalam menghadapi kekuatan global.
1.Isi pasal 1 ayat 1 UUD’45 : Negara Indonesia adalah negara kesatuan yang berbentuk Republik.

3.(1). Keuntungan:
a. Diakuinya Indonesia sbg Archipelago State.
b. Luas wilayah Negara bertambah.
c. Sumber daya alam bertambah.
(2). Kerugian:
a. Mengakomodasi lintas laut Kepulauan (ALKI 1 Selat Sunda –
Laut China Selatan, Alki 2 Selat Lombok – Laut Kalimantan dan Alki 3
dari beberapa Selat di selatan Indonesia Timur ke Samudra Pacifik.
b. Kerawanan meningkat.

4.(1) Wawasan nusantara sebagai wawasan nasional Indonesia
Pengertian-pengertian yang di gunakan sebagai acuan pokok ajaran dasar wawasan nusantara ialah wawasan nusantara sebagai geopolitik Indonesia, yaitu cara pandang dan sikap bangsa Indonesia mengenai diri dan lingkungan nya yang serba beragam dan bernilai strategis dengan mengutamakan persatuan dan kesatuan wilayah dan tetap menghargai serta menghormati kebinekaan dalam setiap aspek kehidupan nasional untuk mencapai tujuan nasional.
(2). Landasan idil : pancasila
Pancasila telah di akui sebagai ideology dan dasar Negara yang merumuskan dalam pembukaan UUD 1945. Pada hakikatnya, pancasila mencerminkan nilai keseimbangan, keserasian, keselarasan, persatuan, dan kesatuan, kekeluargaan,kebersamaan dan kearifan dalam mem bina kehidupan nasional. Pancasila merupakan sumber motivasi bagi perjuanga seluruh bangsa Indonesia dalam tekadnya untuk menata kehidupan didalam Negara kesatuan republic Indonesia secara berdaulat dan mandiri. Pengejawantahan pancasila dalam kehidupan bermasyarakat,berbangsa dan bernegara diaktualisasikan dengan mensyukuri segala anugrah sang pencipta baik dalam wujud konstelasi dan posisi geografi maupun segala isi dan potensi yang dimiliki oleh wilayah nusantara untuk dimanfaatkan sebesar-besarnya bagi peningkatan harkat dan martabat bangsa dan Negara Indonesia dalam pergaulan antar bangsa. Dengan demikian, pancasila sebagai filsafah bangsa Indonesia telah di jadikan landasan idil dan dasar Negara sesuai dengan yang tercantum pada pembukaan UUD 1945. Karena itu, pancasila sudah seharusnya serta sewajarnya menjadi landasan idiil wawasan nusantara.
(3). Landasan konstitusional : UUD1945
UUD 1945 merupakan konstitusi dasaryang menjadi pedoman pokok dalam kehidupan bermasyarakat, berbangsa , dan bernegara. Bangsa Indonesia sepakat bahwa Indonesia adlah Negara kesatuan yang berbentuk republic dan berkedaulatan rakyat yang di lakukan sepenuhnya oleh majelis permusyawaratan rakyat. Karena itu, Negara mengatasi segla paha golongan, kelompok, dan perseorangan serta menghendaki persatuan dan kesatuan dalam segenap aspek dan dimensi kehidupan nasional. Artinya kepentingan Negara dalam segala aspek dan perwujudannya lebih di utamakan di atas kepentingan golongan, kelompok, dan perseorangan berdasarkan aturan , hukum, dan perundang-undangan yang berlaku yang memperhatikan hak asasi manusia(HAM), aspirasi masyarakat, dan kepentingan daerah yang berkembang saat ini.

5. JOHN NAISBIT, DALAM BUKUNYA CLOBAL PARADOX, MENULIS “TO BE A GLOBAL POWERS, THE COMPANY MUST GIVE MORE ROLE TO THE SMALLEST PART” (bahwa negara harus dapat memberikan peranan sebesar-besarnya kepada rakyatnya).



9.Tata Laku Wawasan Nusantara Mencangkup Dua Segi
a. Tata laku batinia
Wawasan Nusantara berlandaskan pada falsafah Pancasila untuk membentuk sikap mental.
b. Tata laku lahiriah
Wawasan Nusantara diwujudkan dalam satu sistem organisasi meliputi : perencanaan, pelaksanaan, pengawasan dan pengadilan.


By zaumaprihantoro

Tugas kewarganegaraan


‎11. Jelaskan pengertian bangsa menurut Kamus besar Bahasa Indonesia


12. Jelaskan bagaimana suatu negara dapat dikatakan negara demokrasi


13. Jelaskan pendapat John Lock tentang hak-hak yang dimiliki oleh setiap manusia



14. Jelaskan tentang demokrasi di Indonesia.


By zaumaprihantoro

quiz meeting 1-14

Quiz meeting 8

Quiz : Reading Comprehension Section
1. With what topics is the passage primarily concerned?
D. Characteristic of protozoans
2. The word mimute in paragraph 1 could best be replaced by
D. very small
3. What is protoplasm?
B. The substance that forms the cell of a protozoan
4. What is the purpose of the large nucleus in the Ciliata?
C. It regulates growth.
5. What does the author mean by the statement They are fantastically diverse, but three major groups may be identified on the basis of their motility?
A. The three major groups are unique in that they all move in the same manner.
6. To which class of protozoans do the amoebae belong?
C. Sarcodina
7. What is the purpose of the large nucleus in the Ciliata?
C. It regulates growth.
8. Why are protozoans classified as animals?
A. They do not live on simple organic compounds.
9. The word they in paragraph 3 refers to
A. protozoans
10. Which of the following statements is NOT true of protozoans?
D. They are difficult to observe.
Quiz meeting 9
Quiz : Reading Comprehension
What does this passage mainly discuss?
A.Precipitation C. New York State
B. Snowfall D. A general formula
Which of the following is another word that is often used in place of precipitation?
A. Humidity B. Wetness C. Rainfall D. Rain-snow
The term precipitation include
A. only rainfall C. rain, snow, and humidity
B. rain, hail, and snow D. rain, hail, and humidity
What is the average of annual rainfall in inches in the United States?
A. Thirty-six inches C. Forty inches
B. Thirty-eight inches D. Forty-two inches
If a state has 40 inches of snow in a year, by how much does this increase the annual precipitation?
A. By two feet C. By four feet
B. By four inches D. By 40 inches
If a state has 40 inches of snow in a year, by how much does this increase the annual precipitation?
A. By two feet C. By four feet
B. By four inches D. By 40 inches
The phrase proximity to in paragraph 2 is closest in meaning to
A. communication with C. nearness to
B. dependence on D. similarity to
Where is the annual precipitation highest?
A. The Atlantic Coast C. The Gulf of Mexico
B. The Great Lakes D. The Pacific Coast
Which of the following was NOT mentioned as a factor in determining the amount of precipitation that an area will receive?
A. Mountains B. Latitude C. The sea D. Wind
The word substantially in paragraph 2 could best be replaced by
A. fundamentally C. completely
B. slightly D. Apparently
The word that in the paragraph 2 refers to
A. Decreases C. areas
B. precipitation D. mountain ranges
Quiz meeting 14

Which of the following is the most appropriate title for the passage?
B. The Federal Reserve System
The word overseeing in paragraph 1 is closest in meaning to
A. supervising
The word confirmed in the paragraph 1 could best be replaced by
D. approved
According to the passage, the principal responsibility of the Federal Reserve System is
C. to print government securities

The word securities in the paragraph 2 is intended to mean
C. protection
What happen when the Federal Reserve provides too little money?
B. Unemployment slows down.
In paragraph 2, the author suggests that inflation is caused by
B. too much money in the economy
What does the author mean by the statement However, in practice, the Federal Reserve does not stray from the financial policies established by the executive branch of the government?
C. The Fed tends to follow the policies of the executive branch of the government.
All of the following statements could be included in summary of the passage EXCEPT:
D. The Federal Reserve receives its yearly budget from Congress.
Quiz meeting 13
Reading Comprehension
Which of the following is the main topic of the passage?
A.The reasons why the Wright brothers succeeded in manned flight.
The word cited in paragraph 1 is closest in meaning to which of the following?
C. considered
The word incessantly in the paragraph 1 could best be replaced by which of the following?
C. constantly
What kind of experience did the Wright brothers have that distinguished them from their competitor?
They were geniuses.
Why does the author suggest that the experiments with the wind tunnel were important?
B Because they resulted in a three-axis control for their airplane
The word they in the paragraph 3 refers to
A. the Wright brothers

The word doomed in paragraph 4 is closest in meaning to
C. taking a risk
In paragraph 4, the author suggests that the steam engines used in earlier aircraft had failed because
D. They did not have enough power to lift their own weight.
The passage discusses all of the following reasons that the Wright brothers succeeded EXCEPT
D. They were well funded.

The passage discusses all of the following reasons that the Wright brothers succeeded EXCEPT
D. They were well funded
Quiz meeting 12

Reading Comprehension
1. Which of the following is the main point of the passage?
D. Alchemy was the predecessor of modern chemistry.

2. The word authentic in paragraph 2 could best be replaced by
B. genuine

3. According to the alchemists, what is the difference between base metals and gold?
A. Perfection

4. According to the passage, what is the “philosopher’s stone”?
B. An element that was never found
5. The word crypticin paragraph 3 could best be replaced by which of the following?
B. secret

6. Why did the early alchemists use the ternssun and moon?
A. To keep the work secret
7. Who were the first alchemists?
C. Artisans
8. In paragraph 3, the author suggests that we know about the history of alchemy because
B. the literary alchemists recorded it in writing

9. Which of the following statements would the author most probably agree?
D. The literary alchemists were more important than the laboratory alchemists.
Quiz meeting 11
Quiz 11
Reading Comprehension

1. According to this passage, what is another name for organic architecture?
A.Natural architecture

2. The word ultimately in paragraph 1 could best be replaced by
B. eventually

3. The word upheld paragraph 1 is closest in meaning to
C. promoted

4. The following examples are all representative of natural architecture EXCEPT
A. a bank that is built to look like a Greek temple
5. Why does the author compare an organic architect to a sculptor?
B. To give an example of natural principles
The word obscured paragraph 3 is closest in meaning to
A. difficult to see

With which of the following statements would the author most probably agree?
C. Function is not important to form

Which of the following statements best describes the architect’s view of ??
D. Nature should be improved.
Quiz meeting 10

Reading Comprehension

With which of the following topics in the passage primarily concerned?
A. The Black Acacia
B. Characteristic and varieties of the Acacia
C. Australian varieties of the Acacia
D. The use of Acacia wood in ornamental furniture

How many species of Acacia grow well in the southern United States?
A. Five hundred C. Twelve
B. Three hundred D. Three

The word thrive paragraph 2 is closest in meaning to which of the following?
A. grow well C. were planted
B. are found D. can live

The word these in paragraph 2 refers to?
A. United States C. species
B. varieties D. trees and shrubs

According to this passage, the Silver Wattle ?
A.is squat and bushy
B. has unobtrusive blossoms.
C. is taller than the Bailey Acacia
D. is used for making furniture

In paragraph 2, the word flat most nearly means ?
A. smooth B. pretty C. pointed D. Short

The word showy in paragraph 2 could best be replaced by ?
A.strange B. elaborate C. Huge D. Fragile

Which of the following Acacias has the least colorful blossoms?
A. BaileyAcacia C. Silver Wattle
B. Sidney Golden Wattle D.Black Acacia

Which of the followingwould most probably be made from a Black Acacia tree?
A. A flower arrangement
B. A table
C. A pie
D. Paper

When do Acacia trees bloom in Australia?
A. February B. Summer
C. August D. Spring
Quiz meeting 4

1. With which of the following topics in the passage primarily concerned?
A. Local research and harmful effects of fertilizer
B. Advantages and disadvantages of liquid fertilizer
C. A formula for the production of fertilizer
D. Content, form, and effects of fertilizer
2. The word essential in the paragraph 1 could best be replaced by which of the following?
A. limited B. preferred
C. anticipated D. required
3. Which of the following has the smallest percentage content in the formula 4-8-2?
A. Nitrogen B. Phosphorus
C. Acid D. Potash
4. What is the percentage of nitrogen in a 5-8-7 formula fertilizer?
A. 3 percent B. 5 percent
C. 7 percent D. 8 percent
5. The word designate in the paragraph 2 could best be replaced by
A. Modify B. specify
C. Limit D. increase
6. Which of the following statements about fertilizer is true?
A. Powders are more popular than ever.
B. Solids are difficult to store.
C. Liquids are increasing in popularity.
D. Chemical granules are difficult to apply.
7. The word they in the paragraph 2 refers to
A. Powder B. solids
C. Liquids D. fertilizer
8. The word convenient in paragraph 2 is closest in meaning to
A. Effective B. plentiful
C. easy to use D. heap to produce
Problem 21 Factual Conditionals–Absolute, Scientific Results
If S V (present) , S V (present)
If a catalyst is used , the reaction occurs more rapidly
If S V (present) , S will verb word
If a catalyst is used , the reaction will occur more rapidly
Incorrect: If orange blossoms are exposed to very cold temperatures, they withered and died.
Correct : If orange blossoms are exposed to very cold temperatures, they wither and die.
If orange blossoms are exposed to very cold temperatures, they will wither and die.
Incorrect: If the trajectory of a satellite will be slightly off at lunch, it will get worse as the flight progresses.
Correct : If the trajectory of a satellite is slightly off at lunch, it gets worse as the flight progresses. or
If the trajectory of a satellite is slightly off at lunch,it will get worse as the flight progresses.
Incorrect: If light strikes a rough surface, it diffused.
Correct : If light strikes a rough surface, it diffuse .
If light strikes a rough surface, it will diffuse .
Problem 22 Factual Conditionals – Probable Results
for the Future
If S V (present) , S may verb word
If we find her address , we will write her
S may verb word if S V (present)
We will write her if we find her address
Incorrect: We will wait if you wanted to go
Correct : We will wait if you want to go
If you want to go, we will wait.
Incorrect: If you listen to the questions carefully, you answer them easily.
Correct : If you listen to the questions carefully, you will answer them easily.
You will answer them easily if you listen to the questions carefully.
Incorrect: If we finished our work a little early today, we’ll attend the lecture at the art museum.
Correct : If we finish our work a little early today, we’ll attend the lecture at the art museum.
We’ll attend the lecture at the art museum if we finish our work a little early today.
Problem 23 Factual Conditionals – Possible Results
If S V (past) , S might verb word
If we found her address, we would write her
If we found her address, we could write her
If we found her address, we might write her
S might verb word if S V (past)
We would write her if we found her address
We could write her if we found her address
We might write her if we found her address
Incorrect: If Judi didn’t drink so much coffee, she wouldn’t have been so nervous.
Correct : If Judi didn’t drink so much coffee, shewouldn’t be so nervous.
Judi wouldn’t be so nervous if she didn’t drink so much coffee.
Incorrect: If you would go to bed earlier, you wouldn’t be so sleepy in the morning.
Correct : If you went to bed earlier, you wouldn’t be so sleepy in the morning.
You wouldn’t be so sleepy in the morning if you went to bed earlier.
Incorrect: If she would eat fewer sweets, she would lose weight.
Correct : If she ate fewer sweets, she would lose weight. or
She would lose weight if she ate fewer sweets.
Problem 24 Factual Conditionals – Probable Changes In Past Results
would have
could have
If S had participle , S might have participle
If we had found her address, we would have written her
If we had found her address, we could have written her
If we had found her address, we might have written her
Incorrect: If her mother let her, Anne would have stayed longer.
Correct : If her mother had let her, Anne would have stayed longer.
Anne would have stayed longer if her mother had let her.
Incorrect: If we would have known that she had planned to arrive today, we could have met her at the
bus station.
Correct : If we had known that she had planned to arrive today, we could have met her at the bus
We had known her at the bus station if we had known that she had planned to arrive today.
Incorrect: If I had more time, I would have checked my paper again.
Correct : If Ihad had more time, would have checked my paper again.
would have checked my paper again if I had had more time.
Problem 25 Contrary–to–Fact Conditionals–Impossible Results Were
If S were
If the party were on Friday, we could go.
Incorrect: If the meat was a little more done, this would be an excellent meal.
Correct : If the meat were a little more done, this would be an excellent meal. (The meat is not done)
This would be an excellent meal if the meat were a little more done. (The meat is not done)
Incorrect: If my daughter is here, I would be very happy.
Correct : If my daughter were here, I would be very happy. (My daughter is not here)
I would be very happy if my daughter were h here. (My daughter is not here)
Incorrect: This apartment be perfect if it were a little larger.
Correct : This apartment be perfect if it were a little larger. (The apartment is not larger.)
if it were a little larger, this apartment be perfec. (The apartment is not larger.)
Problem 27 Importance–Subjunctive–Verbs
S V that S V
Mr. Johnson prefers that she speak with him personally
Incorrect: The foreign student advisor recommended that she studied more English before enrolling at
the university.
Correct : The foreign student advisor recommended that she study more English before enrolling at
the university.
Incorrect: The law requires that everyone has his car checked at least once a year.
Correct : The law requires that everyone have his car checked at least once a year.
Incorrect: She insisted that they would give her a receipt.
Correct : She insisted that they give her a receipt.
Problem 28 Importance–Nouns Derived from Subjunctive Verbs
demand; insistence; preference; proposal;
recommendation; request; requirement; suggestion.
noun that S verb word
The recommendation that we be evaluated was approved
Incorrect: She ignored the suggestion that she gets more exercise.
Correct : She ignored the suggestion that she get more exercise.
Incorrect: The terrorist’s demand that the airline provides a plane will not be met by deadline.
Correct : The terrorist’s demand that the airline provide a plane will not be met by deadline.
Incorrect: He regretted not having followed his advisor’s recommendation that he dropping the class.
Correct : He regretted not having followed his advisor’s recommendation that he drop the class.
Problem 29 Importance–Impersonal Expressions
essential; imperative;
important; necessary.
It is adjective infinitive
It is important to verify the data
It is adjective that S verb word
It is important that the data be verify
Incorrect: It is important that I will speak with Mr. Williams immediately.
Correct : It is important to speak with Mr. William immediately.
It is important that I speak with Mr. Williams immediately.
Incorrect: It is imperative that your signature appears on your identification card.
Correct : It is imperative to sign your identification card.
It is imperative that your signature appear on your identification card.
Incorrect: It is essential that all applications and transcripts are filed no later than July 1.
Correct : It is essential to file all applications and transcripts are filed no later than July 1.
It is essential that all applications and transcripts be filed no later than July 1.
Quiz meeting 3
1. Which of the following are NOT shown in satellite photographs ?
A. The temperature of the ocean’s surface
B. Cloud formation over the ocean
C. A model of the ocean’s movements
D. The location of sea ice
2. With which topic is the passage primarily concerned ?
A. Technological advances in oceanography
B. Communication among divers
C. Direct observation of the ocean floor
D. Undersea vehicles
4. The word sluggish in paragraph 1 is closet in meaning to?
A. nervous B. confuse C. slow moving D. very week
5. Divers have had problems in communicating underwater because ?
A. the pressure affected their speech organs
B. the vehicles they used have not been perfected
C. they did not pronounce clearly
D. the water destroyed their speech organs
6. This passage suggests that the successful exploration of the ocean depends upon ? 
 A. vehicles as well as divers
 B. radios that divers use to communicate
 C. controlling currents and the weather 
 D. the limitations of diving equipment

7. Undersea vehicles ?
 A. are too small for a man to fit inside
 B. are very slow to respond
 C. have the same limitations that divers have
 D. make direct observations of the ocean floor
8. THE word cruise in the paragraph 1 could best be replaced by ?
 A. travel at a constant speed 
 B. function without problems 
 C. stay in communication
 D. remain still

9. How is radio-equipped buoy operated ?
 A. By operators inside the vehicle in the part underwater
 B. By operators outside the vehicle on a ship
 C. By operators outside the vehicle on a diving platform
 D. By operators outside the vehicle on a laboratory on shore

10. Which of the following are NOT shown in satellite photographs ?
 A. The temperature of the ocean’s surface
 B. Cloud formation over the ocean
 C. A model of the ocean’s movements
 D. The location of sea ice
Problem 16 Causative MAKE
S MAKE someone verb word
His mother made him take his medicine.
S MAKE something verb word
I made the machine work
Incorrect: Are you going to make your daughter to work part time in the store this summer?
Correct : Are you going to make your daughter work part time in the store this summer
Incorrect: I can’t seem to make this dishwasher running.
Correct : I can’t seem to make this dishwasher run.
Incorrect: Pasty makes everyone doing his share around the house
Correct : Pasty makes everyone do his share around the house.
Problem 17 Causative GET
S GET someone infinitive
Let’s get Ralph to go with us.
S GET something participle
Let’s get our car fixed first.
Incorrect: Let’s get some of our money exchange for dollars.
Correct : Let’s get some of our money exchanged for dollars.
Incorrect: Nora got her mother’s wedding dress to alter so that it fit perfectly.
Correct : Nora got her mother’s wedding dress altered so that it fit perfectly.
Incorrect: We will have to get someone fixing the phone right away.
Correct : We will have to get someone to fix the phone right away.
Problem 18 Causative HAVE
S HAVE someone verb word
My English teacher had us give oral reports.
S HAVE something participle
I want to have this book renewed, please
Incorrect: They had their lawyer to change their wills.
Correct : They had their lawyer change their wills.
Incorrect: I like the way you had the beautician done your hair.
Correct : I like the way you had the beautician do your hair.
Incorrect: We are going to have our car fix before we go to Toronto.
Correct : We are going to have our car fixed before we go to Toronto.
Problem 19 Causative LET
S LET someone verb word
His mother let him go to school.
S LET something verb word
I am letting this machine cool
Incorrect: Would you let us the borrow your notes?
Correct : Would you let us borrow your notes?
Incorrect: Larry is so good-hearted, he lets people took advance of him.
Correct : Larry is so good-hearted, he lets people take advance of him.
Incorrect: Don’t let that brothers you.
Correct : Don’t let that brother you.
Problem 20 Causative HELP
Remember that HELP can be used as a causative. In a causative, a person does not perform an action directly. With HELP, a person assists another person to do it.
S HELP someone verb word/infinitive
He is helping me type my paper
He is helping me to type my paper
Incorrect: My teacher helped me getting this job.
Correct : My teacher helped me get this job.
My teacher helped me to get this job.
Incorrect: Bob said that he would help our finding the place.
Correct : Bob said that he would help us find the place.
Bob said that he would help us to find the place.
Incorrect: This book should help you understanding the lecture.
Correct : This book should help you understand the lecture.
This book should help you understand the lecture.
This book should help you to understand the lecture.
Quiz meeting 2
1. What is the author’s main purpose in the passage?
A. To propose a theory to explain sunspots
B. To describe the nature of sunspots
C. To compare the umbra and penumbra in sunspots
D. To argue for the existence of magnetic fields in sunspots
2. The word controversial in paragraph 1 is closet in meaning to
A. widely accepted C. just introduced
B. open to debate D. very complicated
3. Solar particles are hurled into space by
A. undetermined causes
B. disturbances of wind
C. small rivers on the surface of the sun
D. changes in the Earth’s atmosphere
4. The word particles in paragraph 1 refer to
A. gas explosions in the atmosphere
B. light rays from the sun
C. liquid streams on the sun
D. small pieces of matter from the sun
5. How can we describe matter from the sun that enters the Earth’s
A. Very small B. Very hot C. Very bright D. Very hard
6. What does the author mean by the statement Actually, the sunspots are
cooler than the rest of the photosphere, which may account for their
apparently darker color?
A. Neither sunspots nor the photosphere is hot.
B. Sunspots in the photosphere do not have any color.
C. The color of sunspots could be affected by their temperature.
D. The size of a sunspot affects its temperature.
7. The word they in the paragraph 3 refers to
A. structure B. spots C. miles D. Granules
8. The word consequently in the paragraph 3 could best be replaced by
A. as a result
B. nevertheless
C. without doubt
D. in this way
9. In which configuration do sunspots usually occur?
A. In one spot of varying size
B. In a configuration of two spots
C. In arrangements of one hundred or more spots
D. In groups of several thousand spots
10. How are sunspots explained?
A. Sunspots appear to be related to magnetic fields on the Earth.
B. Sunspots may be related to magnetic fields that follow longitudinal
lines on the sun.
C. Sunspots are explained by storms that occur on the Earth.
D. Sunspots have no theory or model to explain them
11. The sunspot theory is
A. not considered very important
B. widely accepted
C. subject to disagreement
D. relatively new
Problem 11 Past Custom – Used to and BE Used to
S used to verb word
He used to live in the country.
S BE used to -ing form
He was used to living in the country.
Incorrect: We use to go to the movies quite frequently.
Correct : We used to go to the movies quite frequently.
We were used to going to the movies quite frequently.
Incorrect: She was used to get up early.
Correct : She used to get up early.
She was used to getting up early.
Incorrect: He was used to drink too much.
Correct : He used to drink too much.
He was used to drinking too much.
Incorrect: She used to speaking in public.
Correct : She used to speak in public.
She was used to speaking in public.
Problem 12 Advisability – Had Better
S had better verb word
You had better take chemistry 600 this semester.
S had better not verb word
You had better not take chemistry 600 this semester.
Incorrect: We had better made reservations so that we will be sure of getting a good table.
Correct : We ¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬had better make reservations so that we will be sure of getting a good table.
Incorrect: We had better to check the schedule.
Correct : We had better check schedule.
Incorrect: You had better don’t quit your job until you find another one.
Correct : You had better not suit your job until you find another one.
Incorrect: You had better don’t go alone.
Correct : You had better not alone.
Problem 13 Preference – Would Rather
S would rather verb word
I would rather drive.
S would rather not verb word
I would rather not drive.
Incorrect: If you don’t mind, I’d rather not going.
Correct : If you don’t mind, I’d rather not go
Incorrect: He said that he’d rather went to a small college instead of to a large university.
Correct : He said that he’d rather go to a small college instead of to a large university.
Incorrect: I’d rather writing this than print it because I don’t print well.
Correct : I’d rather write this than print it because I don’t print well.
Incorrect: Greg would rather has a Pepsi than a beer.
Correct : Greg would rather have a Pepsi than a beer.
Problem 14 Preference for Another – Would Rather That
S would rather that S V(past)
I would rather that you drove.
S would rather that S didn’t verb word
I would rather that you didn’t drive.
Incorrect: Diane would rather that her husband doesn’t working so hard.
Correct : Diane would rather that her husband didn’t work so hard.
Incorrect: The dean would rather that students make appointments instead of dropping by.
Correct : The dean would rather that students Made appointments instead of dropping by.
Incorrect: My roommate would rather that I don’t keep the light on after ten o’clock.
Correct : My roommate would rather that I didn’t keep the light on after ten o’clock.
Incorrect: We’d rather that you should come tomorrow.
Correct : we’d rather that you come tomorrow.
Problem 15 Negative Imperatives
Please don’t verb word
Please don’t tell anyone
Would you please not verb word
Would you please not tell anyone
Incorrect: Please don’t to park here.
Correct : Please don’t park here.
Would you please not park here.
Incorrect: Would you please not to be late
Correct : Please don’t be late.
Would you please not be late
Incorrect: Please don’t to go yet
Correct : Please don’t go yet.
Would you please not to go yet.
Incorrect: Would you please don’t worry
Correct : Please don’t worry.
Would you please don’t worry.

By zaumaprihantoro

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By zaumaprihantoro